Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow, Glorious Snow!

Jackie was running in circles giggling at 7:30a.

Dave and I remember loving snow this much....a long time ago.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm totally fine with this, as long as they don't pee next to the toilet.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Party with our pals

After much anticipation, Ellie and CJ finally arrived for dinner and a playdate. The girls got down to business and opened the beauty shop for moms. As I type, I am scratching an inch of glitter out of my scalp.

After dinner, it was time for a show...none other than HSM!!!!! Complete with 3 wardrobe changes and blaring music. SHOCKING! I know.

Every bit a Triple Threat, Ellie perfects her solo performance.

The boys got into the act by performing all the daredevil stunts.You know: The Boys R Back, Leap Frog & Stair Scaling, all in a feeble attempt to get CJ a matching cast.

Even Lucy played a role in the show as Super Baby.

The show ended with both Jackie and Cameron dumping a cup of water on their friends- sort of like Footloose. Good times.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bed Time

On any given day, I love to put the kids to bed. Jackie and Cameron will pick out tons of books to read and I’ll happily oblige. We all snuggle in bed together and read until they start snoring. Or cough and scratch. But I digress. I love it because as a working mom, I feel like I don’t get enough time with them during the day. I want to be with my kids as they close their eyes, without all the talking. It helps me remember why I work, and how good we really do have it. And that when Dave and I wish for Lucy to walk and talk, it’s pretty sweet that she doesn’t just yet.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is it summer already?

3 babies with fevers. Daddy's out of town. It's cold here again. Yes, that's Jackie coughing. And yes, she already had a breathing treatment. Need I say more?

Saturday, January 16, 2010


This is why my sewing machine was broken this morning.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Life with a cast

Hasn't slowed this superhero, rockstar down.

In fact, Dave caught him doing flips on the couch the other day. Give us strength.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Most Common Phrases This Weekend

Cameron: "Mommy, Can I take it off now?" (in reference to his cast) "Can I take it off now?"
Jackie: "Can I have a tea party? Can Hunter come over? Can I have a tea party?
Lucy: "Big Bird"

Pre-broken-wrist: This is how Cameron plays w/ Bendaroo's. And if you don't know what Bendaroo's are, please take ours. We have about 400 more.

Friday, January 8, 2010

If it's ain't broke...

Oh wait, it IS!!!
Cameron broke his wrist today. He was climbing up the pantry to get a snack for Tanner and himself and fell. He landed just right and broke his wrist. He'll be in a cast for ~ 3 wks, if he doesn't work it off first. It's already become a cool weapon.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nearly there

Today we got the final paperwork to submit for Lucy's adoption. Many of the documents were in Korean. The last one had Lucy's birth mom's signature on it the day she gave Lucy up for adoption and terminated her rights as her mother. It was Sept 5, 2008. Lucy was 6 days old. I can't begin to imagine what she went through that day. But, obviously, we're thankful she did.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

From Jackie, of course.

When I find out what exactly we're looking at, I'll share it with y'all.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It is sooooo cold...

...that the dogs' water bowl froze and cracked...

...and Cameron kept warm by crawling into a pile of laundry fresh from the dryer. We LEFT the cold Up North! STAY THERE!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

We're hoping this year everyone is healthy and happy. And we're mostly looking forward to Lucy officially becoming a Paul!

Baby Cameron. For over a year, Jackie has pushed CamO in LeighO's baby pram. CamO loves to play the baby, and lets J feed him. And of course, J loves to be The Mom.

Occassionally, Lucy will be the baby. But she prefers a slower-paced ride, rather than CamO's Speed Racer.