Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spray Fun

7 kids + spray park = awesome fun!

Check out how Wyatt springs to life!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Greenfield Village

Grandma and Uncle Aaron treated us to a trip to historic Greenfield Village. It's a place full of Thomas Edison's and Henry Ford's artifacts and inventions.
Clearly, the old fashioned carousel was everyone's favorite.

We rode on a steam engine train and watched bicycles of all varieties drive by.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Over the river and through the woods

We managed to get a few good photos of Grandma and Grandpa with their 7 grandkids. It wasn't nearly as difficult as we expected.

Uncle Aaron was pure entertainment. He had at least one kid on him at all times.
After a few days of going down to the park to feed the ducks, they figured out where we all live and came to us. Jesus would be amazed at the amount of bread they've eaten. And it just keeps multiplying.
Steph's boys were all smiles and giggles. She was the photographer and I was the entertainer. With four boys, I went straight for the potty jokes. They always bring down the house.
By far, the biggest hit at Grandma and Grandpa's house is the gumball machine. It was the same one Steph, Aaron and I had when we were little. Still only costs a penny, and you can retrieve your penny out the back slot.

Grandma and Grandpa's house is full of exciting new playmates, activities and ducks. I've napped more times in the past few days. Just imagine how tired Grandma and Grandpa are!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Piano Show

Jacqueline was in her element today!

Theme and variations on Twinkle Twinkle arranged by Grandma

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

DaddyO, Grandad & Grandpa! We love you to pieces!

Awesome pictures by Aunt Steph

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prayers for the LaVere Family

Please keep Jen and John in your prayers as their daughter, Ava lost her battle to survive.

The family posted this message on their website:
Ava spent her last day resting peacefully, surrounded by her parents, family, and friends. As she rested, we told stories, laughed, and cried and did our best to surround her with the love and joy she always shared with us. She spent the night sleeping between her mom and dad as they held her hands, and died this morning. Ava was a courageous, joyful, loving gift from God who inspired us all to become better people. In the five and a half years she was with us, she filled our world with love and laughter and reminded us all how truly precious and sacred life is as she chose to live every moment to the fullest. Although we know Ava is now in the arms of God and at peace, we already miss her.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nearly There

We've only been in the house 5 yrs, but most of the plants died out front b/c there was never enough topsoil over the clay. So we had to start all over.
Now, the front yard renovation is nearly complete. Just a few more plants and groundcover to add. Everything against the house is new, minus the trees - 42 plants in all! (CamO's hiding on the left side). And mulch on the burm is all new.

We salvaged a few acuba and moved them along side of the house where there's plenty of water.
This is the second (and third) planting of the 4 little pines. The deer have enjoyed our buffet!

We haven't figured out where this turtle came from, but she rested in the shade a while before moving over to the Messicks.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Last Day of Kindergarten

It came with much excitement! Jackie was out of bed faster than she's been in months! And we're so ready for summer to finally be here, not to be scheduled and enjoy some serious pool time. But the reality of having a (gulp) first grader is totally not okay for Dave and I. So, Jackie is a kindergartener on summer break.
"Thank you Ms. Burns. I really loved kindergarten. Next year I hope to get Ms. Huchens or Ms. Huer. Love Jackie."
This was her first day of kindergarten. She looks the same to me! Only the eye rolling has increased significantly.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And then there was more yard work

At least our efforts are producing veggies!
After moving 10 yards and another 6 yards of dirt ourselves, Dave rented a bobcat to move 20 yards of mulch. The boys on the street drooled over the new toy. And Cameron rode it all morning.

Our (front) yard renovation is nearly complete!

Friday, June 4, 2010

One year ago today...

...we got our Little Lucy. I signed the papers and the social worker put Lucy in my arms. And Lucy wailed. WAILED! For nearly 2 days. She drank nasty formula and smelled like kimchi for weeks.

When we first got her home to NC, she wanted little to do with anyone. She hated her baths, was terrified of strangers, and bit us all with her 6 tiny teeth. Lucy would cry "Ohma" for ~45 min every time we put her in her crib to sleep. She had a distant look in her eye, as if to protect herself from us foreigners. She was scared. We were scared.

Now, Lucy calls me 'Mambo'. Her favorite word is 'Julie' and 'No-wa!' and knows each dog by name (which is more than I can say for Cameron. But whatever.) Lucy thinks she can swim and cries like hell when we get her out of the pool. She puts on her own shoes when she sees everyone getting ready. She eats EVERY food known to man. (She's part Italian with her love of spaghetti and cheese.) And whever her siblings do, she's going to do it too, damn it! She pushes her brother off my lap to claim me as hers. And she adores Jackie's 'mothering'.

I'm grateful every day that her birth mother gave her up for adoption. And that her foster mom loved her as her own. I can't believe it's already been a year. And it's only been a year. And I can't wait to see what the next year together brings.
...and now.
p.s. no comments on the fuzzy pictures. We went outside tonight and it's like 90 degrees with 95 percent humidity and my camera fogged up. Much to my dismay.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Garden Hoe-down

100 kindergarten kids put on a Spring musical this week. Jackie was a garden gnome. She can be spotted as the kid with a red cone on her head, standing next to her BFF, Tessa.

Pictured here are the kids from Room 1, The Weeds. Classmates prepping last minute for the show. L to R: Fantasia, Zoi, Carter (other garden gnome), Bird & Chloe W. The audience included Hunter, and Tessa's sisters, Olivia & Abby. And Deane, obviously.

There were literally 1000 people here watching the musical. Of course, we were in the back, against the wall trying to find our little gnome amongst the farmers, flowers & weeds. CamO found JBird first.

We dragged along all the willing spectators we could find and employed them in the help of Lucy Distraction. Hunter was cut-out for this role since drumming Lucy clearly didn't keep her quiet during the taped production.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More of a good thing

Oh yes, there are more beach pictures. Afterall, we spent more than 48 hrs at the beach this trip!

Lucy's chair.

Lucy was our little fish this trip.

And JBird was the willing Big Sister.

Most of the kids, and sitter, Ally.

All the girls!

Lifestyles of the rich and famous: the pool at their house, which was 90 sec away from the beach.
After playing ALL day in the pool and ocean, the kids enjoyed some downtime while the adults showered.