Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Heater Malfunctions v. 2012

Every January, we run out of propane gas. We figure this out about 3 am when we wake up to icicles on our noses and and trek upstairs to the electric heat, perpetuating the game of musical beds. Last year, I bought a heating blanket and that bad boy has single-handedly saved us countless arguments over the temperature and yearly empty gas tank.

This January, we woke up about 1 am to the heater banging like a giant garbage disposal right outside our bedroom window. After about 15 minutes of this intermittent clatter, we shut the heater off and froze the next morning. Unfortunately this time, there was plenty of gas in the tank. The motor had exploded. It was under warranty, but that warranty expired 1 year and 4 months ago.

So while we waited for the new motor to arrive (for 2 days) the kids warmed up in their own ways. Our saving grace was that it was mid-60's yesterday and 72 today!

$800 later, it's warm again!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bella the Birthday Fairy

It was a fairy tale from start to finish! The kids got picked up in a limousine and treated to a night on the town, in honor of Bella's 6th birthday. Sal borrowed a friend's limo, and he and Dave were the chauffeurs, while the kids, moms, and Nana piled in the back.
The kids were so excited they didn't have to wear seatbelts! What could be better? Personally, I enjoyed not having to buckle in 3 kids and being dropped off at the door. A girl could get used to this, you know?
 First stop was Build-A-Bear. It was such a hit with all the kids.

 Naturally, Lucy picked out whatever Bella picked out, outfit included.
Clean those bears, Babies!
 The night kept getting more and more exciting! Next stop, bowling. Nana was the Bowler Extraoidinaire.
  Final stop was the new pizza place where you could watch your pizza being made.

When we returned home that night, I asked the kids what was their favorite part and all 3 said: THE LIMO RIDE! Because we didn't have to wear seatbelts. Next birthday party, I'm driving the kids around the community without seatbelts in my car and we'll save a ton of money. WOOHOO!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Who knew homeschooling would be so educational?

We may have gotten a little over-zealous with our science experiments this semester. After all, we ARE doing biology.

When the tadpoles and butterfly chrysalis’ arrived, we were pumped! The kids even met the FedEx man at the doorstep. When we opened the box, we were bowled over by our rank-smelling new pets. I secretly hoped this wouldn’t last longer than a week or so before our stinky creatures could be released into the wild. Ho no! We can’t RELEASE these critters into the wild, it’s hibernation season! We have to wait until spring! But then there’s the potential to contaminate the local ecosystem bla bla bla. Why didn’t the science books tell us we will be raising croaking bull frogs and butterflies their full life cycle?! Perhaps Carolina Biological will take them back once our experiment is over.

I was more than happy to share our critters with the other family we homeschool with. You can imagine how happy Amy was to receive such stinky new house guests.

Upon opening the critter care package, we were greeted with dinosaur-sized bullfrog tadpoles. They are literally 4 inches in length, head to tail. Even the kids thought they were a little gross and stinky.

 We had to transfer them gradually into a clean environment and change out their water every few days.

 The butterfly chrysalis' needed to be glued to their habitat in their natural position. Thankfully Deane was creative and resourceful with double-stick tape! In 7-10 days they would hatch to become beautiful Pink Lady butterflies, who we would need to care for the rest of their natural lives b/c it's hibernation season. I'm just saying...
 As the days ticked by, we realized this would also be a lesson in Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection, as we only had 1 butterfly hatch.

 Rainbow emerging from her chrysalis
 Meet Swimmy, Wiggly, Big Fat Fatty, Princess and the others who all look alike. They haven't even started to grow hind legs.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's for dinner?

Hmmmm.... maybe a sweet boy?
 Or a saucy little girl?
 What do they think this is? A bed?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

One heck of a Christmas celebration

We had a week-long Christmas celebration with each set of grandparents.

 Most of it was spent playing with the new Christmas toys, and lots of games of UNO.
 Grandma got JBird and me addicted to Chuzzle in no time flat.
 There was plenty of sugar in house.
 And lots of time for relaxation and pampering.
 There was no shortage of willing card players.

 And lots of love!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Let the good times roll

There are so many educational apps for the iPad, and yet, neither kid is playing them.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

The BEST way to ring in the new year is with your dear friends...and New Year's confetti from 2009. Seriously, do you think we are uber-predictable?

Since I had no camera with me, just my peeps, I hijacked these photos from Julie. There are many more good ones, but I have yet to get them off her computer.

Julie is becoming quite the photographer! AND, her new flash is spectacular!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I'm catching up on blogs here. There was a ton going on this Christmas day.

 The girls couldn't wait to get started. They were up at 5:30 am.
  Unfortunately, Cameron's early wake up call was b/c he was sick. We're thinking 24 hr barf bug.

 Our sick baby wanted to open one present in our bed. Then he promptly returned to his barfing/napping cycle.
 For the first time in EIGHT years, all the grandparents were together! Jackie entertained us with the song she wrote just for this day called "Grandparents Having Fun".
 We had a wonderful Christmas lunch together, courtesy of Deane. And then it was off to the airport to say goodbye to Grandad and Grandma Holly.