Monday, August 29, 2011


Grandad and Grandma Holly arrived Friday in style. They were the hit of the street. They have a 39 foot Coach (or RV for us non-traveling folk) and it is rocking!

 Everyone watched the parking maneuvers and the opening of the sides. You would have thought the circus arrived in town with so much excitement.
While all the neighbors enjoyed a beer inside the cabin of the Cool Coach, only Cameron spent the night 'camping out'. He didn't mind that his sisters gave up at 8:30p. It was totally awesome!
 Would you believe the only time this street has seen an RV in 6 years has two RV's arriving within 5 minutes of ea other? Thankfully, Jeff Gordon was a master driver and was able to maneuver his 5th-wheel around the cul-du-sac w/o having to move the Mother Load.

 We're so happy Grandad and Grandma are here to visit for at least a month! Perhaps, one day, the Cool Coach will reside permenantly in Colvard Farms...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another day, another barth

CamO calls barfing barthing. Seriously. It’s so hard not to laugh.

One day, birthday cake from Mad Hatter is fine. The next, it’s not. Same with cupcakes. There’s barthing and then benadryl. Strawberry PopTarts are fine. S’Mores PopTarts are not. More barthing. Is it ever going to get easier for Jackie?

And the earthquake! The kids and Deane sure felt it. Dave and I were in the car and felt nothing. Let’s hope Hurricane Irene is equally as mild.

First day of school pictures! It was fun. Damn, this feels good!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Soon she'll be toothless! Have her say that 5 times- Jackie has a hard time saying s's with so many missing teeth.
 This one she pulled out this morning and she's saving it. This one is not for The Tooth Fairy. Only one more super wiggly tooth left. For now. For this kid.

Friday, August 19, 2011


While browsing Capital City BMX website last night guess who?

He's not big but there's a BIG SHOW inside. GO CAM-O!



Thursday, August 18, 2011

#6 Baby!

That reminds me...The Tooth Fairy is coming tonight!
 It's just CRAZY!
I know. Her eyes give me the willies too.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh, right. My blog.

So we’ve been on the road lately. Here’s a few pics from the most recent travels to the Henning family reunion at the Wye River in MD. Wow, we've spent the summer traveling.

Patrick took the whole clan out on his boat for a tour along the river. They celebrated the 50th anniv of his boat last month and got engaged at the party. We’re looking forward to a wedding in NC at The Outer Banks next fall!

Deane was in her element on the water, reminding us all that she’s truly a kid at heart.
Patrick was brave enough to let CamO Captain the ship.

It was great to finally meet Rion's girlfriend, Jenny. She made a quick appearance before returning to her starrring role as Elphaba on the Broadway production of Wicked. Yes, Broadway baby!

 There's always a reason, and a willing audience for face painting.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Before and After

Upon seeing the new TV, Cameron said "Wow! This is so cool! It's HUGE!" Jackie said "We don't need a new TV, Dad. The other one works just fine."

And yes, Cameron is watching Brady Bunch.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby, it's hot outside!

I like the heat, but WOWZAS!

So the kids all have indoor swim lessons for the next 2 weeks. Since Lucy has a paralyzing fear of the water, I didn't have high expectations for her. Bird and CamO could learn to breathe correctly, dive, etc. Day 1 was pretty much as expected: Lucy screamed until she gave herself a bloody nose and didn't get close to the water. C and J did fine. Day 2, I plopped Lu down next to the kids in her class and walked away. She did great! Of course she screamed bloody murder when the teacher put her in the water, but she wasn't the loudest screamer, thankfully. CamO wouldn't get in the water, WTH?! And Jackie wouldn't get out of the water. She LOVES swimming class. Dare I say we found her sport? (If she's still swimming in 2 wks, the odds are good.) I don't have a clue what is up w CMan, but that boy was adamant about NOT swimming in swimming lessons. Of course, as soon as class was over, he hopped right in and swam until it was time to leave. Hard-earned money spent wisely!