Wednesday, July 28, 2010


While I was busy working, Deane graciously took the kids to the SC zoo.

While on our little vacation Deane and I overheard some great stuff from the kids. What they said versus what they meant was pretty entertaining.

Jackie: "For breakfast I had snowflakes." What she meant was Frosted Flakes
Jackie: "CamO, you're such a golfball." What she meant was goofball.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Bridges of Greenville County

Dee, the kids and I took a little business/pleasure trip to Greenville, SC. We found this awesome park with a handful of bridges, waterfalls and landscapes like I've never seen. This bridge is entirely supported by cantilevers (built by BMW).
As you can clearly see, Jackie and Cameron were doing their best 'Grouchy Smurf' impressions. In a febile attempt to get the kids to crack a smile, Deane made a silly face. And Lucy made one right back at her.

This was another bridge overlooking the river, filled w/ ducks and a lonesome herron.

All photos were taken with our camera phones. We didn't expect to find a great park and left our cameras at the hotel.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Walking with the dinosaurs

Earlier this week, we went to the Museum of Life and Sciences with Miss Karen, her sister Laura and niece Layla. It was 98 degrees by 10am and the troops were HOT. In fact, the leader needed to rest in the stroller for a good part of the dino walk.
We've recently re-done Cameron's room in dinosaur theme. I wanted to get a picture to hang on his wall, but he would only smile like a tard for all the pictures. 
We figured we'd get a picture of the whole gang, while enjoying the shade from the Alosaurus.

You know it's hot when the butterfly house feels refreshing! Despite the sauna-like weather, we managed to have a great time and enjoyed the morning with our good friends.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The 4th of July, Part the 3rd: The Grand Finale

Why go anywhere else when we have this?

Poppers for all. And children that run into the fireworks as they're igniting.
Yes, every single child pictured here is guilty.
Sparklers to write your name.

And the GRAND SPECTACLE! Don't close your eyes or you'll miss it. Insert giant KABOOM! here.
Interlochen has NOTHIN' on this shindig!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Entertainment Tonight

As we were eating our exquisite dinner of chicken fingers and watermelon, Jackie said "WOW! Chickens really have BIG fingers."


Cameron says boys are 'Dudes' and girls are 'Dude-eez.'


Jackie siad "It was really nice of Nanny Fanny to give Cameron a twenty-five dollar bill for his birthday."


During the thunderstorm today, CamO said "It's really windy. I think our house will fly somewhere. Then we'll have to call Aunty Em."

Monday, July 19, 2010

The 19th Hole

After an exhausting morning on the golf course, Cameron enjoyed a little pampering from his big sister. Milk please!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Party at the Pool

For the 4th year in a row, we celebrated Cameron's b-day with 75 of our closest friends at the pool. The motion-activated dino cake was the hit of the party.

We have been lucky for the last 3 yrs and had fantastic weather. This year, it rained and stormed. But people managed to squeeze in pool time between rain showers. They made the best of it!

The favorite activity was racing into the pool at record speed, on slippery wet ground and diving over a step into their dad's arms. Nail biter for me.

It wouldn't be a party w/o a "pea-yean-ah" as CamO calls it. Since there were no dinosaurs, SpongeBob took the hits.

These guys were hitting for home runs!

The anticipation eventually got to the adults as well, and Tyler emptied SpongeBob's delights.

Back at the ranch, Lu took the opportunity to try on Cameron's new loot as he was busy opening the rest. She also has on his new Buzz Lightyear undies.

It was a great party. Thanks everyone for ALL your help- Mr. Chad and Miss Karen were our workhorses! Hunter & Leigh, we'll party when you're back in town!

*Not pictured here is the water balloon toss. It took Dave and I over an hour to fill them and less than 1 minute for 25 kids to break them all. Couldn't even get the camera out.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Big Party

So I uploaded 10 pics and then accidentally deleted the post. Since my DSL speed is equivalent to dial-up, it took me nearly an hour. So, I'll do the rest tomorrow. Until then, here's CamO's b-day party celebration. Despite a rainy/stormy day, we still managed to have a wonderful time.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Today is Cameron's REAL 4th birthday. Since I only got back from Boston a few hours ago, Deane had a little lunch celebration with the kids. She even made a Joe Joe cookie cake for CamO b/c he's allergic to everything else. Apparently he wasn't sure what all the hoopla was about and preferred to enjoy his new toys alone. (Sounds a bit like DaddyO, don't you think?) Anyway, we'll have a big b-day party Saturday at the pool.

P.S. FOUR-year-old Cameron now calls his big toe his "Thumb toe". Not FUM toe, THUMB toe! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Part 2: Food and Water

My favorite holiday of the year is the 4th of July. Due in part to the swealtering heat but mostly to the celebrations we have in Colvard Farms. While the kids look forward to playing in the pool until they become prunes, I love the potluck dinner, desserts and cheer with friends, followed by spectacular, first-rate fireworks.

Here Anna Kate puts the new pool toys to good use.

It was a beautiful night with the usual crowd.
Grandad and Grandma Holly came in for the weekend. As you can see they put themselves to good use. And now we know where Cameron and DaddyO's trick came from.
Lu was all giggles with Grandma Holly and Mia.
An early lesson in blowing bubbles.
Hunter was the great entertainer of the evening.

The gang's all here!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The 4th of July in three parts. Part 1: Pimp My Bike

For the 4th year in a row, the neighborhood kids decorated bikes for the grand parade around the block. Olivia was certainly proud of her work. Although I'm a little nostalgic seeing her so big and w/o training wheels.

CamO went for the most dangerous decor, with a little Hawaiian flair.

The real wizards behind the curtain: Grandma Holly and Linda.

Flag Bearer, Olivia, might as well had CAUTION tape around her bike.
Let the parade begin!
No matter how many times I told Cameron this was a PARADE NOT A RACE, he only heard "Get ready. Get set. GOOOOOO!"
Assessing the potential competitive threat of the neighbors, Cameron was content with the lead position.

CamO: I won the race, Mom!
Me: It's not a race, CamO. It's a parade.
CamO: I won the parade, Mom!
Me: Alrighty then.

Resting up for the swim race, Leigh enjoyed the sights, and admired her bike decoration at parade speed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Start of Something New

Grandad Ken started a blog to document his and Grandma Holly's adventures. Check out his blog at:


Monday, July 5, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Conversations with Cameron

CamO: Hey, Jackie. Look! I got hair on my legs!
J: EVERYBODY has hair on their legs.
C: Yeah, but I got A LOT!


Yesterday, Cameron was doing a maze in a Kumon workbook. He held the pencil with both hands, like a barbell, over his head. I asked him what he was doing. He said "I'm stretching before I do my workout."

Cameron: "Dammit! I can't unbuckle my seatbelt. Dammit! Dammit!"

Highlights from Pittsburgh

On our recent trip to PA/MI, we had loads of fun with the kids cousins. It was non-stop fun that left the kids wiped at the end of the day! Since my computer is in the shop yet again (don't get me started) I'm posting pics from my sister's website.

These little migrant workers picked a whole flat of raspberries and blueberries in less than an hour. LAter that night, Steph and I made some rocking raspberry jam. Jackie said 'BTW Mom, that's my FAVORITE jam ever'.

CamO asked to wear a 'cowboy hat' too.

BTW, check out Julie's blog- she posted 20+ entries last night! Rock on, Jules!