Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Flowers

Me: Lu, are you picking my flowers?
Lucy: Yes, Mama.
Me: Don't pick my flowers Lu.
Lucy: Okay, Mama.
 Me: Lucy Lu!
Lucy: Yesssssssss, Mama! (Laughing hysterically)
Thanks for my beautiful flowers, Deane! But if they're gone by Monday, you'll know why!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beachy Keen

We've had fantastic beach weather here in Hilton Head.
 Despite the initial terror, Lucy has really warmed up to the water. She was even jumping waves with C and J.
 Your eyes don't deceive you. It really is all FIVE of us!
 And all 3 of them.
 Really, 2 pictures of me in a post. And, of course, my Birdie.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pool Party

For Jackie's spring break, we headed to Hilton Head. Literally 20 minutes after our arrival, the kids were already in the pool.

Lucy found her groove and thoroughly enjoyed the music on deck.

 After sufficient pool time, Jackie used her Easter money to order refreshments from the pool ladies.
 And Cameron made some fast friends doing cannonballs.
 For whatever reason, the kids enjoy the hotel room almost as much as the pool and beach.
 And Lucy insisted on being a big girl napping in the big bed, NOT her pack-n-play. Thankfully, she loves her sleep mask!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

This post brought to you by the Power of Lysol

Or rather it's un-scented, allergy-free $25/bottle alternative. Which has been used in large quantities b/c we had our annual dirt delivery! WOOHOO! This year, Dave overestimated a tiny bit with 20 yards of dirt. The giant pile of dirt was super cool to all the kids on the street. And it was 2 days worth of fun and dirt in ears and toenails.

But it only lasted 2 days b/c Dave rented a BobCat to move it all. And you could hear the collective roar of excitement from all the kids when the BobCat arrived. It was only here for a day, so I didn't get a picture of all the kids climbing on it with permagrin.

 I've been trying to get rid of this slide for 2 yrs and the kids keep coming up with new uses for it.

Dave put about 12 yards of dirt in the garden, so we had a little left over.

The smaller pile of dirt is temporarily housed in the back of the yard. It's equally as entertaining!

As always, the garden is a group effort. Dave did all the major work (besides moving it, which is another post b/c that was SUPERFUN!) and Deane the Machine planted it- with the "help" of many little hands. Deane plants b/c I have a black thumb and she plants with love.
So this is the final product! Watermelon, tomatoes, beans, peas, cucumber, canteloupe, basil, oregano, marigold. Still to plant: sunflowers, more blueberry bushes. Thanks Deane and Babes!

BTW, if you need some dirt, we have a little extra. Just bring your BobCat.

Monday, April 18, 2011

We're Still Standing

Thanks to everyone for inquiring about the tornadoes in NC. They were SCARY! Thankfully, we are unscathed. On Saturday, we spent the day in Raleigh at the Farmer's Market, IMAX and Marbles, which is on Saunders Street. We left about 1p. A tornado touched down on Saunders Street at 3p. Too close for comfort.

Sunday we met some friends at Touch A Truck. It's a local event to raise $ for charity. Every truck you can think of parks in the lot at a local mall and the kids climb on them, sit in the driver's seat, etc. But you can not get in the back of the cement mixer (much to Jackie's chagrin).

The best part was the Flight For Life Helicopter b/c they watched it leave too! And of course, face painting. Because we neeeeeever to that!

They did let the kids beep the horns as much as they wanted. In every vehicle. Did I mention there were semi's and busses there with really loud horns?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tennis Anyone?

Jackie started tennis lessons last month. Our neighbor coaches and asked if we wanted to join her 8-wk class. Of course!

J was super excited! She couldn’t wait to get her new tennis racquet - or as CamO calls it, her tennis rocket. And her cool new tennis shirt. (J pictured here with Miss Angela, her coach).

3 weeks into it, the new tennis rocket is sweeeet. The t-shirt still hasn’t come and tennis lessons are ‘boring.’

“How much longer do I have to take tennis?”
...til your t-shirt comes, JBird.

Maybe we can see if Angela would teach tennis lessons in our community! Then I wouldn’t have to drive so far when the kids decide this is boring after 2 weeks.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sneezing & Wheezing

Allergy season is upon us. In full force. And this is the first sickness since strep throat pre-surgery. So we’re due. The kids are skilled at setting up their own breathing treatments. Can’t say I’m proud of that skill, but it is what it is.

Pine pollen is everywhere! The inside of my sunglasses are yellow after an hour outside w/ the kids. This is a pic of pollen in our screened-in porch! The dogs track in yellow paw prints. But it’s only for a few more weeks. I hope.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meat Bias: Is it genetic? A case study.

For the record, I’m not a fan of meat and haven’t really been for as long as I can remember. I’m not a card-carrying member of PETA. I simply don’t like meat. I can tell you what I don’t like about meat, but then you’d stop eating it too. Since Oprah’s meat remarks had a drastic effect on meat consumption a few yrs back, I’ll restrain, lest I cause more of an economic crisis. Raw cookie dough-bring it on!

So, Jackie has never really liked meat. Even as an infant, she wouldn’t eat pureed chicken in applesauce. Or turkey with rice... Once I even tried to give her a jelly and ham sandwich. Yeah, I really did. Seven years later, she still doesn’t eat meat. According to J, processed meat, as in turkey hot dogs, is not considered meat. It’s just hot dogs. Once she learned that ham comes from pigs, she stopped eating ham. “I don’t eat PIG, Mom. Ugh.” Or turkey. Or beef.

Recently, I managed to sneak some chicken fingers on her plate while she was watching a movie.

J: “Mom, are these really fingers from a chicken?”

Me: (Trying very hard not to laugh, but realizing the implications of my response) “Umm, no. They’re actually chicken breasts.”

J: “What?! Why would I eat chicken breasts?”

Me: “I don’t know, JBird. Why would you eat chicken fingers?”

J: (closely inspecting her chicken fingers) “Is this meat?”

Me: “What?! Nooooo! It’s chicken fingers! Like hot dogs!”

J: “Oh. Ok.”

So the other day, I was making a soup with...(gasp)...beef tips in it. I was cubing it when J walked in the kitchen.

J: “What’s THAT mom?”

Me: “What do you think it is?” (Best parenting line EVER!)

J: “Pig?”

Me: “No.”

J: “Turkey?”

Me: “No.”

J: “Deer?”

Me: “What?! No.”

J: “Chicken?”

Me: “It’s beef, Jackie. It comes from a cow.”

J: “Oh my God. I’m not eating COW! That's disgusting.”

And there you have it. Another generation of meat-haters born!

BTW, DON’T even think about telling JBird bacon comes from pig!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Muck Eye

Although it sounds like Lucy is speaking another language, this is actually English.

Translation: Mighty guy. Mighty guy. Brave and strong and true. Mighty guy....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thick As Thieves

These 2 are inseparable. Plus, I only have to parent Lucy half as much b/c Jackie's doing all the work!

Cameron likes having his alone time- especially when Jackie is occupied w/ Lucy. Then he can play with her Polly Pockets without being noticed.