Saturday, April 23, 2011

This post brought to you by the Power of Lysol

Or rather it's un-scented, allergy-free $25/bottle alternative. Which has been used in large quantities b/c we had our annual dirt delivery! WOOHOO! This year, Dave overestimated a tiny bit with 20 yards of dirt. The giant pile of dirt was super cool to all the kids on the street. And it was 2 days worth of fun and dirt in ears and toenails.

But it only lasted 2 days b/c Dave rented a BobCat to move it all. And you could hear the collective roar of excitement from all the kids when the BobCat arrived. It was only here for a day, so I didn't get a picture of all the kids climbing on it with permagrin.

 I've been trying to get rid of this slide for 2 yrs and the kids keep coming up with new uses for it.

Dave put about 12 yards of dirt in the garden, so we had a little left over.

The smaller pile of dirt is temporarily housed in the back of the yard. It's equally as entertaining!

As always, the garden is a group effort. Dave did all the major work (besides moving it, which is another post b/c that was SUPERFUN!) and Deane the Machine planted it- with the "help" of many little hands. Deane plants b/c I have a black thumb and she plants with love.
So this is the final product! Watermelon, tomatoes, beans, peas, cucumber, canteloupe, basil, oregano, marigold. Still to plant: sunflowers, more blueberry bushes. Thanks Deane and Babes!

BTW, if you need some dirt, we have a little extra. Just bring your BobCat.

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