Monday, May 31, 2010

Making the most of it

We met some friends for a day at the beach and pool. Dave worked with Mr. Chris years ago and our families have become fast friends. Check out Lobster Back.
We've had fantastic weather and we're making the most of it.
We sent CamO on a mission beach-combing. Lucy followed his exact tracks.

The taskmaster wasn't pleased with her moat, but the worker bees stood their ground!

The dads quickly transform into sand crabs digging holes for their babies.
Lucy kept trying to run into the ocean, so we put a stop to it once and for all.

JK. She was actually amused at being buried by everyone.

Another great day at the beach!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Beachy Keen

It was a great morning to go to the beach. Unfortunately, I only put sunscreen on Dave's upper back. Oops.

Lucy LOVES it here!

And Jackie had so much fun jumping the waves.

These two spent most of their time digging in the sand.

We spent the evening at the hotel pool trying to tire them out. We'll all be sleeping well tonight!

Spectacled Baby

Any eye-wear is fair game.

On another note, we are in Hilton Head for a long weekend! The kids are crammed in the pack-and-play watching an Elmo video.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Horseback Riding

When we were in Charleston, we went 'horseback riding', aka a carriage ride. At 9am, it was like 90 degrees and 95 percent humidity. Also, I should mention that the kids went to bed at 11pm the night before. To say the least, it was a ticking time bomb.

Lucy eyed the horses right away and was not going anywhere near them.

For most of the tour, Jackie faced backwards, staring at the horses behind us. And the rest of the time she checked out the horses 'poop bag' aka diaper, making sure to update us to any activity.

CamO...well, you get the picture.

Yes, he really is asleep.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's a jungle out there. But seriously?

So Miracle Gro works. Maybe a little too well. I SWEAR, I only applied it once. But now we have a jungle for a garden. A large toad lives in the garden under the squash leaves. Happy could shade her entire body under one squash leaf. And she's a porker.

I'm looking for some gardening advice here: Do I thin out the squash so that the strawberries actually get sunlight? Or do I pull out the strawberries and let the squash tentacles take over.
Can we save the plants that have been 'thinned out?' (What does that mean, BTW). And can we trail the cantaloupe into the mulch? The obvious solution would be for Dave to build a bigger garden.

Does the watermelon have a chance? Maybe they need a second dose of Miracle Gro.
Thanks for the gardening advice, y'all!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pat & Abbey's Wedding

We made a special trip this weekend to Charleston for Pat & Abbey's wedding. The kids have never been to a wedding, so this was such a treat! And in Charleston, EVERYTHING is beautiful and amazing- like Disney World for women. They got married on Magnolia Plantation and the reception was in the botanical gardens.

Again, no luck getting a good pic of the 3 of them. I'll need my sister's help for this task.

The kids fell in love with Leigh Ann, my colleague from grad school. She was such a good sport letting the kids do their usual makeover on her.

It was HOT and humid but the kids didn't mind in the least!

In Jackie's words "I'm going to frame this picture of me and Abbey. She's soooo pretty!"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Strawberry Patch

A few weeks ago, Chad and I took the girls to Jean's Berry Patch to pick strawberries while Dave and Julie took the boys to their soccer and t-ball practices, respectively.

At first, they were SUPER excited to pick strawberries!

...but quickly, the excitement waned and the girls were just plain hot.

...and grouchy.

We ended up with 10# each of strawberries. They were gone in 48 hours!

Lucy kept stealing everybody's loot, but somehow ended up empty-handed. Actually, there was a half-pound of strawberries and a half-pound of sand in her belly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dee!

Even though she acts 29, the kids figured out that Dee wasn't 29 afterall.