Friday, August 31, 2012

Princess Lucy's Birthday Party

Lucy has known for MONTHS she wanted a princess pool party for her birthday. Yesterday was her real birthday, but she wasn't convinced she was 4 until today- the day of her party.
 We delayed our school a wee bit this morning and instead chose to make Lucy's cake. Thanks to Deane's tenacious Ariel hunt, our cake was decorated with all of The Little Mermaid's friends.
 Our main peeps joined us for pizza and festivities at the pool, engulfed in a pink princess theme.
 Despite her extreme tiredness, Lucy managed to try on her plethora of princess dresses
 and the girls were happy to dress her up in a fashion show. Happy Birthday, Lucy Lu!

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day of School

It's that time of year already! School started on Monday. After months of curricula development and lesson planning, Amy & I were happy to see our hard work come to fruition. And the kids sure missed each other!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Perfect S'More

One of my favorite things on Drummond Island was the nightly S'More ritual. After dinner, Grandpa would get the fire started and the kids would follow behind, like puppies. We would go through at least 2 chocolate bars, half a box of graham crackers and half a bag of marshmallows each night. 
 Jackie loved roasting marshmallows for any willing eater. The smoke bothered her a bit, but she came up with a great solution!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Water Works: Drummond Island Style

After many hours of traveling, we finally made it to Drummond Island in northern Michigan. The kids couldn't wait to get in the water, despite the chilly temperatures for us Southern folks.
 Week by week, Lucy is getting more comfortable in the water. By the time she's 12, she may actually go under!
 The jet ski was a huge hit for Jackie and Cameron. Jackie is all about speed- just like her daddy!

The littles were content torturing Louie with the squirt guns. It was hours of fun for them all.

Lucy and Cameron were hiding from Louie. They blended right in!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Henning/Tewes Wye River Family Reunion

August marked the beginning of our family tour. We started in MD at the Wye River to visit the Tewes and Henning families (Deane's side of the family).

  They were all so happy to reunite with Mike and Ang's kids, Owen & Alena.

 Hot weather made the pool & swing and swing a welcome respite for the kids.
 Little Miss Lucy Lu is becoming quite comfortable in the water!
 Uncle Patrick was ever so happy to entertain the kids fishing.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A World of Their Own

Lucy’s princess phase has been elevated to a whole new world…I mean level... with Polly Pockets Princesses. This is Rapunzel when her hair is, shall we say, let down. I nicknamed her Ratty, for obvious reasons. Lucy gave Ratty a much-needed hair cut this week, and trimmed her own while she had the scissors out, thereby completing every little girl’s rite of passage with scissors. Thankfully, it wasn’t too bad. And she has yet to discover tape. 

Cameron's summer reading program has introduced him to a new favorite reading spot. It doesn't look particularly comfortable but I don't care b/c HE'S READING!