Friday, January 30, 2009

Visions of Batman & Robin

Today Hunter (my other child) turned 5! We celebrated with his real family at the ever-so-popular Pump It Up! The only lame thing about a Pump It Up party is that they don’t allow alcohol. THAT would have made is a ROCKING party for everyone. Children asleep the instant their heads hit the pillow was pretty cool too. My all-time favorite thing about the kids is watching them sleep. Besides the deafening silence, I love to goober all over them. And move them around to see what position makes them snore the least. Once I figure that out, I’m going to try it on Dave. (Pictures tomorrow as Hunter’s real mom is downloading the 430 pictures I took tonight)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today Dave and I had a rare opportunity to travel together for work. It was quiet, relaxing and we finished our thoughts- sort of what it used to be like 5+ years ago. Dave had a HUGE day and converted a giant hospital to his company’s tissue. (Of course, he’ll say the paperwork is not signed yet, so hold off on the celebration.) Since I’m a bit more excitable, I say it’s done. Anyway, as he was sharing the good news to his VP of Sales, I was working diligently on the computer in the passenger seat. Since I was so involved reading my friends facebook updates, I forgot where I was and let out a giant burp. Dave was on the phone using his headset, which was like putting a microphone to my mouth. For the record, it was nothing like Aunt Steph’s burps, but it echoed through the car.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You know you’re like family when....

We all went next door (shocking, I know). Jackie was writing at Hunter’s desk in his bedroom. I yelled out ‘Jackie, where are you?’ She responded ‘I’m upstairs in my room.’

The pictures are of Cameron reminding me ‘Cameron bat man, Cameron superhero’ for the 35th time today.

Lastly, if you see the lady that gave birth to 8 kids, smack her b/c how do you NOT know there are actually 8 kids in there? Really people.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jackie's pictures

I just downloaded pix from Jackie’s camera. Of the 72 photos on the card, these were the keepers. Cameron took the last one. He wanted the dogs in the picture.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Magic Tree House Books

After the 32+ Junie B. Jones books (and books-on-tape) I struggled to find something age-appropriate & innocent for Jacqueline. And, most importantly, something NOT related to princesses. I knew it was time to move on when Cameron starting requesting the Cinderella video. Hence, ‘The Magic Tree House’ books. In a nut-shell it’s a series about a bro & sis who discover a magic tree house in their woods. The tree house is filled with books. The kids travel in time via the tree house to places determined by the books they open. So the latest one was about traveling to ancient Japan where the ninjas & samauri fight. I got about 6 chapeters in before J said that the ninjas scared her. When I got to the picture of the samauri and the part where they fight the ninjas, she had me stop reading all together. She just wanted to peak at the picture of the samauri, which should have been my first clue that princess crap would have been much better. If, instead of ‘ninjas & samauri fighting’ I had substituted in ‘princesses & mermaids having a tea party’ I would have slept that night. When J finally believed that ninjas & samauri no longer exist & don’t randomly kill people they don’t know, she shut her eyes. About 3am, she crept into bed next to me crying. Jackie dreamt the samauri warriors were trying to kill her. (What the hell was I thinking?) 20 min later she was asleep on top of me with her hands gripped around my back. I got no sleep and bruises. So I’m thinking about skipping the ‘Mummies at Midnight’ adventure. Of course I could substutute the mummy with Princess Aurora who lives in a tomb in Egypt b/c she really died afterall. The prince forgot to kiss her. He was busy working at his computer.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Blogety Blog

You decide whose is shorter. At least they’ll freeze together.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Better than Christmas

When it snows in NC, the whole city shuts down and it is like heaven. The kids were outside, playing in the snow at 6:35am Tuesday. They went outside a handful more times that day after they warmed up with hot (soy) chocolate and a dry clothes. The snow wasn’t wet enough for a snow man, so the rednecks next door built a snow pyramid. Afterall, this is the south. And we did get 4 inches of snow. Who doesn’t love snow once a year!?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Brusha Brusha Brusha

This weekend was Salon Day at the Paul Playroom. Admission was a tall glass of wine in exchange for a haircut. Then, the cosmetologists-in-training styled our hair for 30 + minutes. I felt like a puppy dog getting my ears scratched. In the words of Hunter and Julie it was totally divine!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Superhero Prejudice

Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes. And we try VERY HARD not to discriminate based on costume or superpower.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things I did not include on the grant application

(1) Our trip to Disney next month

(2) The dogs' fence

Check out Growler trying to be a part of the 'I Heart U' gang.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Money Tree has dried up

So we got turned down for financial aid from J’s school. Now we’re applying for a grant. I have to write an essay about why we deserve the grant. What I would REALLY like to say is that it’s a great school, but no kindergarten class should cost the equivalent of a college eduction. Therefore, you should give us a price break. And because I’m the class parent & bust my ass for the 4/5yo’s, we should get a break. Just this year...and next...and with all our kids. I’m also going to write it in crayon.

Coincidentally, 6 girls from J’s school are in her ballet class. Of course, Nina’s mom is a ballet teacher who told us all about the ballet class.
L – R Dahlia, Lilly, Ellie, Nina, J, Annabel, Grace. What a surprise, J is flanked by her posse Nina & Annabel. As you can see, this pic is from my camera phone, so that’s what I got!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sally & Allie

There once were twin sisters named Sally & Allie. Sally (AKA Ellie) and Allie (AKA Jackie...what a surprise!) were princesses, of course. They were Ballerina Princesses. One day, their evil stepbrother, Cameron, chased them around and growled! The stepbrother’s growling scared Sally & Allie. He got thinking time for all the growling. The End.

Ta Wa! (which is what CMan says instead of Ta Da!)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Why do they even make non-erasable markers?

As if mom's need more things to make us crazy!
P.S. I already tried Magic Eraser, Gu Gone & Goof Off. It didn’t work.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Jackie: “Annabel said (her sister) Wilder was jumping really high on the trampoline. Really, REALLY high. She fell on her leg so she had to get x-rays. But nothing was broken. She couldn’t walk so her dad had to carry her around everywhere. That was cool b/c she really liked being carried around. Can we get a trampoline?”

Me: “Go ask your daddy, Bird.”

Monday, January 5, 2009

Monkey see. Monkey do.

I know kids have no idea of gender roles at 2 ½ (or 5). And, to be honest, I’m glad. They have their whole lives to struggle with the gender roles our society dictates are appropriate. For now, Jackie may not have a little sister to play with but she does have another ballerina in the house.

For the record, Cameron can not dance on his toes like Jackie can.