Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Smear the Lamb's Blood Over Our Door Already

The plague continues...
Shall I expound?
Deane has a sinus infection (probably from taking 2 snot-nosed, barfing children to the beach)
Lucy has an intermittent nose bleed
Cameron has a fever and is very crabby.
Dave and I barfed our guts out over the weekend for 36 hrs straight, likely due to food poisoning.

Seriously? Is there anything left?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Soccer: Version 3 yo

Dave takes Cameron to soccer on Saturdays. It's their thing. At about 10:15 I start getting a gazillion texts from Dave about the hilarious stuff that goes on at the 3-year-old soccer field (swarm ball, etc.) This week I got a phone call. The coach said, "Cameron, I want you to get the ball and kick it into the goal". CamO replied, "I love you, coach." So CamO got the ball and started running. Across the other soccer fields. Then he got to a fence. While the other kids were trying to figure out who's ball was who's, Cameron started climbing the fence b/c obviously, there's a fence! The coach plucked him off the fence, and put him back in the game. At the end, the coach told Dave that Cameron is a natural athlete. He just needs a compass.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What a week

CamO said Tues nite at 11:45p as we were getting home from the ER, "I'm having a bad day today." Yes, my baby did have a bad day. He slipped in the bathtub and sliced open his eyebrow. 4 hrs and 4 stitches later, he's be-bopping around like new. And today, he pulled 3 of them out. :)

Lucy and Jackie have barfed intermittently all day. (As did CamO last Sun and Hunter earlier this week.)

I'm on antibiotics for strep throat. Hunter is also on antibiotics for strep throat. Julie had the barfs.

Deane is (supposedly) taking Cameron and Jackie to the beach tomorrow.

If only we could get a superhuman immune power to pass around that would be sweet.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Lucy now calls me 'Mambo'.
Cameron, pointing to a bush said, "This is where I pee. Like a dog."
Jackie: "Did you know that when a doctor cuts your finger off, he eats it?"

BTW, Ava LaVere has had some serious complications of late. Please keep her in your prayers!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My CamO

Yesterday I showed Cameron a (rare) framed picture of him when he was ~6 mo old.
Me: "CamO, who is this baby?"
CamO: "Lucy!"
Me: "Um. No. It's you."
CamO: "When I was in your belly?"
Dave: Laughing hysterically while I contemplate getting Cameron evaluated.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Can I get a witness?

I am still w/o a computer. Another overhaul.

The garden is IN! I wish I had pictures to show you, but I don't. Major props to my Babes and his not-so-big THAT for building it. Also, the kids went fishing with the Messicks and Deane. Again, no pics. And Spring Break is over, which sucks royally. We had such a fun week!

Suffice it to say, the best parenting advice ever was from my good friend, Anne Benson. "It's easy to love them when they are lovable." Amen, Sister!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Beach

We managed to squeeze in a mini-vacation to Hilton Head Island this week. I'm doing some work at the local hospitals and Dave's doing work from our hotel room. Yesterday, he took the kids to the beach and today I ventured to the beach with Jackie & Cameron while Lucy napped.

This is how Jackie wanted to spend her time at the beach. She would join us when she was done 'sunning'.

And this is how CamO wanted to spend his time.

She actually brought a book to read at the beach.

And he was like the Energizer Bunny.

Rest time was over, and it was time to start working on the sand castle.
It's amazing how kids make fast friends with each other. These 4 spent nearly an hour working on a sand moat. A moat, b/c the sand castles weren't coming out of the buckets. The other boys are from England and thought Cameron's 'accent' was just hysterical. Not to mention the fact that he asked them repeatedly how old they were and what their names were. (Seriously, is this something I should be worried about?!)

They finally ventured into the chilly water together.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Love Lucy

She's coming into her own and she's so much fun these days!
Peace, baby!

Ellie and Lucy LOVE each other.

Easter Egg Hunt

The CF annual Easter Egg Hunt was the best yet! Besides the fact that I didn't plan a thing, there was a firetruck & a magic show! Here Anna Kate and Olivia put their baskets to good use before they filled it with Easter eggs.

Deane helped Lucy collect eggs, while Cameron managed to fill his bucket to the rim on his own.

Leigh followed closely behind Cameron as he left the 'girl colors' for her to collect.

Tanner, Cameron & LeighO showed off their loot.

Not that he was actually taking care of his baby sister, but CamO looks like a giant here! (They're actually both midgets.)

Once Lucy figured out what was happening, she was unstoppable!

The local firemen gave the kids a tour of the fire truck, showed off their gear and reminded them what to do in case of an emergency.

The firemen's safety lecture was totally lost on the little ones. Once the firemen said '911' the kids started shouting out numbers, counting, etc. So they showed off the cool siren & lights, giant tires & ladders instead.
CamO felt right at home in the cabin.

While LeighO needed a little prompting to get in the fire truck.

Seriously, we couldn't get this kid out.

Getting ready for the magic show, Deane was on duty.

The crowd gathered to watch the magic show, but Lucy and I went back home b/c it was nap time for my baby. (Check out Julie's blog for complete coverage of the magic show animals.)

It was a fruitful egg hunt and a sugar high that lasted a few days!