Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Beach

We managed to squeeze in a mini-vacation to Hilton Head Island this week. I'm doing some work at the local hospitals and Dave's doing work from our hotel room. Yesterday, he took the kids to the beach and today I ventured to the beach with Jackie & Cameron while Lucy napped.

This is how Jackie wanted to spend her time at the beach. She would join us when she was done 'sunning'.

And this is how CamO wanted to spend his time.

She actually brought a book to read at the beach.

And he was like the Energizer Bunny.

Rest time was over, and it was time to start working on the sand castle.
It's amazing how kids make fast friends with each other. These 4 spent nearly an hour working on a sand moat. A moat, b/c the sand castles weren't coming out of the buckets. The other boys are from England and thought Cameron's 'accent' was just hysterical. Not to mention the fact that he asked them repeatedly how old they were and what their names were. (Seriously, is this something I should be worried about?!)

They finally ventured into the chilly water together.

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