Monday, April 26, 2010

Soccer: Version 3 yo

Dave takes Cameron to soccer on Saturdays. It's their thing. At about 10:15 I start getting a gazillion texts from Dave about the hilarious stuff that goes on at the 3-year-old soccer field (swarm ball, etc.) This week I got a phone call. The coach said, "Cameron, I want you to get the ball and kick it into the goal". CamO replied, "I love you, coach." So CamO got the ball and started running. Across the other soccer fields. Then he got to a fence. While the other kids were trying to figure out who's ball was who's, Cameron started climbing the fence b/c obviously, there's a fence! The coach plucked him off the fence, and put him back in the game. At the end, the coach told Dave that Cameron is a natural athlete. He just needs a compass.

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