Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tornado Hits Paul Home

You know it was a good party when even the table was turned over. This past weekend we had some new friends join us for dinner and a playdate. We heard the tornado happening upstairs as we enjoyed the company of adults downstairs. The tornado was worth adult conversation.
And, I KNOW I've been lackadaisical about posting, but I've been without a computer for over a week now. Dave took it to the repair shop and it's getting a major overhaul. BTW, don't bring your computer, ipod, shuffle or phone to our house b/c we will fry it, lose it or run over it with a car. I'm not saying...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Problem Solving

Happy is not amused.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Lucy has ARRIVED! She's walking and TALKING! Language EXPLOSION! Happy, Jackie, name it, she says it. Of course, translation is another story, but some words are clear as day. It's about time, baby girl!

Oh- and tick season is here. Too bad Mr. Chad doesn't have tiny guns to take care of the ticks that like to climb on people, namely our children. I picked one off CamO's head tonight. Super.

Pictures later.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Run DC

This weekend, CamO and I met my sister and mom in Washington, DC to run a half marathon. It was a great weekend, jam-packed with sight-seeing, running and loads o' walking. Grandma took all the pictures as she was voted the one with the smallest camera. I'll post when I get the gazillion photos, each 2 mb in size from Gma.

We had great food, thanks to the recommendations. CamO and Gma found a kids park to play at while Steph and I chatted away on our super scenic run. Steph shaved off a few minutes on her time!

Of course, we did all the touristy stuff- Washington Monument, Reflecting Pool, Lincoln Mem'l, WW2 Mem'l, Vietnam War Mem'l, Nat'l Aquarium, White House peeping, Capitol Bldg, Smithsonian Museum, Watching the Protesters (afterall, the vote is expected today on health care reform)...and we walked everywhere.

CamO did fantastic. He was a trooper. And now we're home and I'm pooped.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Going on a trip

Jackie packs like she's heading out for her last supper any time she takes a trip. As seen above, a stroll around the house requires a box of graham crackers and a foam sword. (Who knows- they might starve when they get to the stairs, or encounter a hungry monster.) When we walk around the block (20 min total) she packs a backpack full of water, baby dolls, cheese we're going for a day-trip to the beach. You should see the overnight bagS she packs when we really do take a day-trip to the beach. Sheesh! I'm beginning to think it's a girl thing b/c when Cameron sees his friends outside, he drops everything and runs out to play with them, forgetting the fact that he has no pants on. Ever.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The camera, again?

Smile for me, Bird.

Seriously, will you smile?

Ok, we're done here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Where the Wild things are...

The boys are wild and crazy. And scare the bejeezus out of me! But they love life!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

They're HERE! They're HERE!

Well, now they're gone, but they WERE HERE! Grandad and Grandma Holly visited for the weekend and the kids were beside themselves with excitement. Gma and Gdad were new playmates, a fresh audience, unpolluted ears...and the kids put them to work. What fun we all had!

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Beginning and the End

One year ago today, we got THE CALL from Barker that they found a baby for us: HONG, Sooryeo, 2008-712/KSJ.

Today we got THE CALL from The Clerk of Courts that Lucy is OFFICIALLY Lucy Sooryeo Paul. The paperwork has ended! One, exact year later.

Our Little Lucy

Upon hearing the news, Dave and I celebrated!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Play dough center

Over the weekend, the kids made play dough cookies like factory workers. Then Lucy would swipe them all and the girls would start a batch all over again.

Jackie requested a picture with her babies.