Sunday, December 23, 2012

golf shot

This picture was taken from the front tees of a par three today.  That's Cameron's ball closest to the hole, mine and Grandad's to the near right and left.

Unit Celebration: USA

We spent the last 6 weeks studying the USA, writing poetry, and learning about body systems. Our unit celebration was Friday night and the kids had fun showing off their hard work.

As usual, the projects were the result of Deane's hard work.

First the first time, Lucy presented her work: Navajo sand art.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Madness

 There’s a sweet little Korean girl (American name Emily) in Lucy’s class who she has literally talked about every day (and Isabella too). And she’s asked weekly to have her over for a playdate. So I finally got around to scheduling that playdate from September, as if the holiday season isn’t crazy enough.

There was a bit of a language barrier with Sunyoung (Emily's mom) and I, but the girls had a universal language of princesses and more princesses. Jackie was a sweet babysitter big sister and made the girls' crowns, wands, and helped contain the princess dresses.

Like every good Korean mom (myself included) the kids are all in the picture, but never the mom!

Sunyoung was such an amazing woman with her Korean dishes she made for us. As if our endless list of food allergies, aversions, and vegan preferences were a challenge, she made a traditional Korean rice cake that all of us could eat (but of course only Lucy and I did). What a wonderful day with a new friend! Now it's time to schedule that playdate with Isabella. (Poor third child!)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


These two have been getting along lately. 
Luckily, I had my camera phone on hand during the peace treaty.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Writing Frenzy

Super Lucy is writing her name in cursive here. Practice, practice, practice! Got to hand it to this little one for determination. 

 She decided it was time to send out her Christmas cards. There must be 30 completed cards stacked next to her.

Please forgive my delay in posting. After 4 yrs, I've run out of 'free' space on my blog. Dave and I have been busy deleting (and copying elsewhere) early posts to free up space, but to no avail. I will likely have to link to another blog site rather than pay a monthly fee. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!