Sunday, May 31, 2009

T Minus 2 1/2 hrs...

We're finally ready!

We spent the day at the pool party. I tried to distract myself from the thought of leaving my babies. And to tire the kids out for an early bedtime.

Also, in case you're wondering, the food closet is closed.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ball 'O Nerves

As Julie would say, I'm getting fluffed about The Trip. The baby's stuff has been ready to go for weeks, but I have yet to start my own packing. The trip begins early Sunday. I fly to O'Hare, where I meet up with my mom. Then we fly (14 hrs) to Narita, JPN and another 3 1/2 hrs to Seoul. We arrive in Seoul on Monday. And meet the baby TUESDAY!

I'm nervous about the flight, about leaving my babies. What if this new baby doesn't want anything to do with me? We've riped her away from the only mother she knows, changed her food, flipped days to nights, and don't speak her language, let alone, know what soothes her. Hence, my Ball 'O Nerves. I'm thankful my mom is going with me. Mainly to take care of me, so I can take care of the baby.

Pray for our safe travels to and from South Korea, that N. Korea doesn't attack and a smooth transition for this new baby! Thanks for all your well wishes and I will try to blog every day overseas!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Entertainer

He's hiding from the dinosaurs. They might take away his dit & boppy.

Cameron's a little like his father, The Ham.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chapter 19: Have tickets. Will travel.

Depart, Sunday May 31. Arrive Incheon (Seoul) Korea Monday, June 1.
Depart Incheon Friday June 5. Arrive home WITH OUR DAUGHTER, Friday, June 5.

Chapter 18: TRAVEL CLEARANCE!!!!

We got travel clearance today!!!!!! Time to book our flights!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day ‘O Snakes

Today, there were 4, yes FOUR! black snakes in the Messick’s yard. We were lucky enough to see only two of them and miss the Grandaddy of black snakes that slithered into Julie’s garage.

CAUTION: Ken- you might want to stop reading.

Initially, Cameron wasn't sure this snake was really dead.

But his curiousity quickly got to him.
And to the big kids as well... ...except for Leo. She viewed the dead creature from the safety of her porch.

Mr. Chad had THE best Memorial Day wrangling 3 live snakes!

But this little bugger didn’t want to get in the bucket & it took a number of tries to finally capture him.

Round 2. Or was it 3?

Chad released him into the woods behind the houses. Hopefully we won’t see him or his cousins again! TA WA!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Not Just Yet

We anticipated to travel to Korea on Monday, but will have to wait. We did not get travel clearance for the baby just yet. Everyone expected it, but knew it could come later, which it obviously did. It's such a bummer, b/c I totally had it in my brain that we will be leaving Monday. I guess the good news is that I won't be so frantic when I'm trying to leave and can PLAN our activities, etc. PLUS, it gives Jackie more time to play with her new Gritty Baby...I mean her baby sister's Gritty Baby.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jackie's baby dolls

The Asian Gritty Baby came today. This is the doll the kids are going to give to Lucy/Claire/Georgia Grace/Stella when she arrives. Although, Jackie keeps saying MY baby dolls- referring to Bitty, Gritty & Cameron. Cameron is included b/c JBird dresses him up and he lets her feed him & stuff him in the moses basket like a baby. Speaking of which, CMan no longer wears diapers! (Well, he does at night). He's a big boy now! Time for another baby in the house.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Ballet Recital

Today was THE ballet recital with all of Jackie’s classmates. A few girls were out of town, along with Daddy-O and Deane. I invited our best buds, The Messicks, but gave them wrong directions. So after an hour of driving aimlessly, they threw in the towel and I was on my own. I got a video of the performance, and pictures before and after the performance, b/c, like I mentioned, I was on my own. Dave will upload the video when he returns from Africa or wherever he is b/c I can’t even give correct directions to a place I drive to weekly. Credits on the video go to Catherine, Ellie’s mom, who repeately extracted Cameron from my arm so I could have a not-so-steady video hand, all the while cursing him for being the leech that he normally is NOT (which is on the video, btw). Most credits go to Disney for inventing High School Musical in which even our 2 yr-old boys sing & dance to and to Duke School for bringing these wonderful girls together! Most importantly, Happy Birthday Dee! According to Jackie, you are 86!

L-R: Ann-Kristin, Grace, JBird, Ellie

Jackie's ballet teacher, Miss Porterfield

CJ and Cameron were really creative at entertaining each other.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Water Babies

Cameron insisted on taking a bath while I unloaded the dishwasher. He squeezed himself into the sink.

These pictures were taken at 8 am today when the water was FREEZING and it started to rain. The kids played in the pool for nearly an hour. PLUS, it's nice that the deck faces the woods so no one saw the naked dare devil stunts.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cirque du So Lame

As you all know, we have no TV. Occasionally, we have to entertain the kids.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Three Princesses

Although Jackie says she no longer likes princesses, she certainly enjoys dressing up Princess Leigh.

Julie has at least 2 more years of the princess phase. Hopefully I will get a break between the next princess phase!

p.s. Happy belated birthday Grandad!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother’s Day Daddy

Cameron was so delighted to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day today. “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy. Happy Mother’s Day, Daddy. Happy Birthday, Dee.” He had a few extra well wishes, which was good b/c I needed them. It turns out, I AM still allergic to scallops. Even the ones I thought were chicken. But a quick dose of benadryl and a vigilant husband left me with only tongue and throat swelling. So it’s cool that I type, rather than speak my blog.

This morning we all went for a walk along the Tobacco Trail. Chicken Little was so concerned we would lose the dogs, she practically carried them in her arms. Also, Cameron learned to whistle FOR REAL. Which is cool, b/c apparently the two kids didn’t make enough noise just yet.

Finally we had Dee over for dinner. Jackie told her what they made her for Mother's Day the INSTANT she got in the driveway. But she still put on her suprised face when she opened the Home Depot bird house.

I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! I am so thankful for my babies and blessed to be a mom yet again in a few weeks! I'm counting my blessings tonight.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bailey & the Baby Turtle

Cameron will tell you that he's called Cameron and 'Just Cameron'. Which is ironic, b/c I was never a fan of Cam or Cammie from the beginning. (As a sidebar, he does respond to CamO or Hootch). Anyway, he calls Leigh 'Baby Leigh' which comes out 'Bailey'. She will forever think her name is Baby Leigh or Bailey.

The kids enjoyed the baby turtle to no end. And with the rains, came lots of them!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Chapter 17: Travel Dates!!!

We go to Korea the week of May 25! We've started packing, and searching for flights. The price to fly to Korea is OUTRAGEOUS! We'll fly Korean Air.

In other news, Cameron tattled on Happy today. He said Happy didn't say thank you after he shared some cereal with her. As the oldest, she's setting a bad example for CamO.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chapter 16: In the home stretch

The National Visa Center got our I-600 yesterday! (My stalking paid off). Anyway, they sent it to Korea. Once Korea gets it, we are cleared for travel. I have the travel meeting tomorrow with Barker so we'll get even more details!

It is so hard for this ADD mom to be patient!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Revolving Door

We have all been traveling a lot lately and it's catching up to us. We were sad to cancel our plans to Hilton Head and Virginia later this month, but really couldn't do it with the upcoming arrival of our BABY!!!!

I keep forgetting to post a quote from JBird. I had just finished reading her the 100 book of the night.
J: Mom, did you just read that in English?
Me: Yes.
J: Can you read it now in Germany?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chapter 15: I-600 Approval!!!

We are on a roll. We got the I-600 approval. All we need now is NVC to approve a visa for Sooryeo and we travel!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Crafts and more

This morning we went to Home Depot AND Michels to make Mother's Day gifts for the grandmas. So act suprised when these come in the mail.

The unfortunate HD staff were visibly shaken when they saw our entorage coming. They pretended not to see us, but that was like ignoring a pack of dogs who just broke free from their kennel.
Our little worker bees liked the glue and hammers the best. Cameron preferred to make a fiddle out of his project and sing along.
The proud craftsmen

Friday, May 1, 2009

You can find them in any major town...

...a children's museum. I will proudly admit I did very little planning on this trip, as in book the room and that is all. Steph found all the kid-friendly activities to do and the first was a children's museum in the heart of the city. Thanks to our vast memberships to NC museums, zoo's, etc. we all got in free. And thanks to color-coding our kids, we didn't leave any behind.

I'm sorry Dave couldn't join us in the Spit Pit- his all-time favorite!

JBird would have preferred to spend the day holding Shane. She LOVES being the big sister to ALL the boys. She said she 'wished Shane were ours.'