Monday, April 18, 2011

We're Still Standing

Thanks to everyone for inquiring about the tornadoes in NC. They were SCARY! Thankfully, we are unscathed. On Saturday, we spent the day in Raleigh at the Farmer's Market, IMAX and Marbles, which is on Saunders Street. We left about 1p. A tornado touched down on Saunders Street at 3p. Too close for comfort.

Sunday we met some friends at Touch A Truck. It's a local event to raise $ for charity. Every truck you can think of parks in the lot at a local mall and the kids climb on them, sit in the driver's seat, etc. But you can not get in the back of the cement mixer (much to Jackie's chagrin).

The best part was the Flight For Life Helicopter b/c they watched it leave too! And of course, face painting. Because we neeeeeever to that!

They did let the kids beep the horns as much as they wanted. In every vehicle. Did I mention there were semi's and busses there with really loud horns?

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