Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby, it's hot outside!

I like the heat, but WOWZAS!

So the kids all have indoor swim lessons for the next 2 weeks. Since Lucy has a paralyzing fear of the water, I didn't have high expectations for her. Bird and CamO could learn to breathe correctly, dive, etc. Day 1 was pretty much as expected: Lucy screamed until she gave herself a bloody nose and didn't get close to the water. C and J did fine. Day 2, I plopped Lu down next to the kids in her class and walked away. She did great! Of course she screamed bloody murder when the teacher put her in the water, but she wasn't the loudest screamer, thankfully. CamO wouldn't get in the water, WTH?! And Jackie wouldn't get out of the water. She LOVES swimming class. Dare I say we found her sport? (If she's still swimming in 2 wks, the odds are good.) I don't have a clue what is up w CMan, but that boy was adamant about NOT swimming in swimming lessons. Of course, as soon as class was over, he hopped right in and swam until it was time to leave. Hard-earned money spent wisely!

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