100 kindergarten kids put on a Spring musical this week. Jackie was a garden gnome. She can be spotted as the kid with a red cone on her head, standing next to her BFF, Tessa.

Pictured here are the kids from Room 1, The Weeds.

Classmates prepping last minute for the show. L to R: Fantasia, Zoi, Carter (other garden gnome), Bird & Chloe W.

The audience included Hunter, and Tessa's sisters, Olivia & Abby. And Deane, obviously.
There were literally 1000 people here watching the musical. Of course, we were in the back, against the wall trying to find our little gnome amongst the farmers, flowers & weeds. CamO found JBird first.
We dragged along all the willing spectators we could find and employed them in the help of Lucy Distraction. Hunter was cut-out for this role since drumming Lucy clearly didn't keep her quiet during the taped production.
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