We had an uber-successful garden last year, thanks to Deane's planting and planning.
So this year, when the weather got warm enough, I asked for Deane's help once again. She took our soil to the NC State Ag dept and had it tested to determine what nutrients have been depleted.
Dave also offered to expand the garden once again and I jumped on the offer. Moving gazillions of wheelbarrows full of dirt (and tilling it all) was akin to walking across hot coals while blindfolded- nobody's favorite pasttime.
But we did it and have back pain/leg pain to show for it.

So now we have a ginormous garden, rich with nutrients and freshly tilled. Deane helped me plan the garden and plant everything. She also discovered that marigolds keep away the aphids (very effective last year). Cameron was eager to help dig holes and water the plants. He also re-arranged the plant identifiers according to color. So it will be a bit of a surprise which tomatoes and peppers are where. The hose is hooked up to our 250 gal rain barrel. We were fortunate last summer to water the garden exclusively with water from the rainbarrels.
Here's hoping for a full harvest of basil, oregano, cilantro, cucumbers, (heirloom, roma, cherry) tomatoes, watermelon, (yellow, red, baby) beppers, (read leaf, sweet) lettuce, eggplant and a jalapeno!