Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why we do gymnastics

Let me be honest about why Julie, Linda and I go to gymnastics on Thursdays. I mean why the kids go. Yes, the kids. Once the kids are in the gym running & jumping like tazmanian devils, the adults recruit other wayward moms (& some dads) to go across the street to drink. Wine, beer, food, whatever it takes to enjoy a girls night out. Beforehand, we run around like crazy trying to get our families fed, bathed, medicines, etc. to get to gymnastics on time. Which is WHY we need to drink. Once we get to gymnastics, we give the teachers a cell phone number with a list of 8-10 kids we are leaving behind and they give us a disapproving glare. Good times.

Cameron is becoming quite the ham lately. He was searching the house for a ‘fire dog’ which is a Little People character when I heard him say “There you are fire dog. Good hiding spot.” And the other night I heard him say to Jackie as they were falling asleep “Hold my hand, Jackie.” Of course, she did. And they fell asleep that way. It was precious. Tonight, however, was a different story. Cameron kept poking JBird in the shoulder just as she was about to fall asleep. She whined ‘Stop it Cameron!’ and he replied ‘No Jackie! Do it!’ This discussion went on & on until HE finally slapped her. We’re proud of our Southern gentleman.

P.S. Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

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