Friday, December 11, 2009


Even without a TV, Dave and I managed to get addicted to Glee. It’s no surprise really, b/c it’s the adult version of High School Muscial and we’ve watched HSM 1, 2 & 3 so many time we know all the lines, sing along with the kids and text each other with our personal HSM moment. You know how victims sometimes embrace their offenders? Well, that's how we feel about HSM. But I digress...

The other reason for The Addiction is hotel travel. Y’all know how much time I’ve been spending in hotels lately. (Can I get a witness?) And hotels have LARGE screen TV’s without our children. So now, Dave and I download episodes, albeit a week or 2 later and watch them together. I can’t wait to watch the semi-finale tonight so don’t tell us who wins sectionals. We can only guess!

In the meantime, enjoy pics of our little Glee Club.

Here Lucy is writing the lyrics for their production.
Jackie preps for the performance.

The Paul Glee Club has drama...

...and competition...


And dancing.

Also, there are superheros in Glee Club, who attack princesses in homemade dresses. Look closely at J's dress. She made it herself.

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