Wednesday, November 24, 2010

At Last

After a couple of years - ok 5 - the paper blinds have finally come down in the kitchen.
 Since we've gone into debt due to our paper consumption over the last 7 years, the kids found these paper blinds to be oh so cool. Lucy's was a mat.
 Cameron's became a toilet seat cover...I mean a necklace.
 And Jackie's was a pilgrim's outfit. Hunter spent the morning coloring his ENTIRE paper brown. By the time he finished, the cool factor had worn off, Hunter iced his carpel-tunnel hand and it was time for lunch.
 FIVE years later....PLANTATION SHUTTERS!!!!
 Yeah, they're cool.
FYI, there are still paper blinds in the rest of the house. In another 35 years, we'll have finished the whole house.

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