Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dead Broke Farms

We decided to break the pool party tradition this year and celebrated Cameron's birthday at Dead Broke Farms.
Warm-up included getting tossed off the merry-go-round at least once for every kid. The irony is that we signed a waiver to ride the horses & couldn't even wear our own helmets. But the kids all got tossed off the merry-go-round, some with minor injuries. And yet, they all got back on again and again!

We asked how the farm got the name Dead Broke Farms. Apparently the horses are so easy to ride, they are considered 'dead broke'.
I have to thank Julie for all the pictures. Since I was coordinating the party, I didn't get many pictures. This one of Anna Kate and Olivia was one of my favorites.
After each kid got saddled up, we were off for a 30 min guided ride through the the woods of North Raleigh.
First, all the horses got watered. It was hot!
It was a beautiful walk and a welcome change from yet another pool party.

Of all the kids, I think Leigh was most excited about horse-back riding. Buttercup was her favorite horse. She's decided this is the sport for her!

Lucy still remembers the name of her horse - Brandy!

This is the third car-themed birthday cake. The boy loves his wheels.
We had to fake blow out candles b/c it was too windy. But the birthday boy didn't mind.

Happy FIFTH birthday CamO!

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