Tuesday, September 20, 2011

That's the way we became the Brady Bunch...da ta da ta DA!

There's been way too much Brady Bunch around here. We've Netflixed every episode and the kids have the early years memorized. Jackie told me how groovy the science class was today. Cameron thinks plaid and stripes make one super cool outfit and Lucy calls me Mrs. Brady- I kid you not. Pretty soon Jackie's going to think the ultimate family car is a wood-paneled station wagon and seat belts are optional..WAH...no car seats! Far out! At least we'll only have to pay 50 cents per week for allowance.

Jackie got in trouble today and I took away Brady Bunch for 2 days. Her eyes bugged out of her head. There was no way she was going to lose Brady Bunch for a week. That's just downright cruel!

Jackie and Dee are knee deep in this week's Egypt project. They're making a wig for our little Egyptian. Despite her protests, Jackie will be an Egyptian for Halloween because it took so long to make her costume. And she'll like it! If Lucy continues to call me Mrs. Brady, she will become a mummy.  

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