Sunday, March 4, 2012

They said what?

It’s time for the next installment of Conversations with Kids.

Overheard in the car the other day:

CamO: I saw a really bad car accident today.

Jackie: You did?

C: Yeah. Lots of cars got in an accident and one fell out of the sky!

J: That was on Spongebob, Cameron.

C: Oh yeah.

While trying to get Lucy to stop talking and go to sleep:

Me: Lucy, go to sleep!

Lu: I am asleep, Mama!

Lately, Lucy says some funny stuff:

Lucy: Dad, I love you so important.


Lucy: I like my boogers in my nose, Mom! Leave ‘em there! favorite in the morning

Lucy: Mom, can I get out of bed now?

CamO has his own words for common items, like tennis rocket, golf pucker and barth (barf). They are too funny to correct.

On the way to science class one day, Jackie brought her baby doll, Hannah, in the car. Hannah has a bald head, one working eye, crayon marks, dirty body- the same doll as in Toy Story 3 (Big Baby).

Jonah: Can I hold your baby doll, Jackie?

Jackie: You can hold her if you wear gloves.

Jonah: (Grabs his backpack, pulls out a tub of Wet Ones and scrubs down). Ok, I’m germ-free now. I’ve only got the good germs on me. I can hold her now.

Jackie: No. You still can’t hold her because you’ll be mean.

Jonah: (laughing) How did you know?


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