We finally made it to the Magic Kingdom where there were parades and shows everywhere. The lanyards around the kids' necks had all their trading pins and their identification, just in case someone got lost.

It was fun to see all the classic characters
and cool off in the heat of the day. Unfortunately, Lucy didn't make the size cut offs for a handful of the rides so we rotated the adults who sat out with her for a spell.
We all enjoyed the train that takes us around the entire park. Had we planned better, we could have eliminated half our walking.
The evil Zurg was finally captured at the end of our ride.
We were conveniently on Main Street when a few parades started. We were literally right next to the characters. I can't imagine how hot those costumes must have been. It was literally 93 degrees that day.
We came back to the castle for the princess show, but only got a snipit of it due to the rain.
That didn't stop us from suffering through the heat and rain to watch ANY princess show.
We all got to ride the race cars. And the kids were our drivers for a change.
There was a grin on these faces all week long!
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