Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gardening: A Mixed Blessing

We’ve had mixed success this year with the garden. While the lettuce and spices grew like weeds, we had loads of trouble with the cucumbers and tomatoes. The cucumbers got “downy mildew” and we had to pull them all. I must have thrown away nearly 30 squishy cucumbers. Unfortunately, that planter is unplantable for a few more months, until we are sure the mildew is gone. 

 The aphids are unstoppable! We’ve tried marigolds, spray soap, organic wax, neem oil, and SEVIN. The only thing we haven’t tried is butterflies, but that’s a whole to-do with keeping the butterflies in my garden. The aphids are systematically killing my tomato plants. So those too, are getting pulled out and re-planted.
 Thankfully, I have plenty of peppers, watermelon, jalapenos, and eggplant! Now I just need recipes for eggplant.

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