Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day & Night

Much to our dismay, the time has come where Hunter goes to all boys b-day parties and Jackie goes to all girls b-day parties. Like this weekend, when Hunter went to a Superheroes party and came home with capes & weapons. Jackie had a Fairy sleepover party and came home with the motherload. It was a party so fabulous, I almost took Annabel’s spot in her absence! I think a Pump It Up party is enough work for me.

L-R: Dahlia, Ann-Kristin, Nina, Kiki & JBird
There were 6 girls total, and 3 had dietary restrictions. So the desserts included ice cream cake, rice krispie treats (for J) and cookies to accommodate the allergy-challenged kids. Same with the pizza and breakfast, which we never made it too.

Besides the homemade Fairy House in their backyard, the coolest was the homemade piƱata filled with stickers and minimal candies, again cognizant of the allergic kids and those with no sugar regulators.

The girls all arrived in dresses. J was the hippie with the flower skirt, peace shirt & face paint. They quickly transformed into princesses and other characters clad in flowing, sparkly dresses.

Rebecca and Bruce must have split a bottle of wine just before the girls arrived b/c I can’t imagine the logistics of getting 6 girls’ teeth brushed, jammies on & in bed on the same mattress, let alone the whining. Oh the whining.... I made my way up the stairs of Nina’s house to retrieve JBird, I could hear her snoring. I just followed the rhythmic snoring and was able to pick her out of a line up of sleeping 5-yr-olds in the pitch black.

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