Sunday, September 19, 2010

Potty Training Update: A Mind of Her Own

Lucy will only use the potty to poop. If she has a poop in her diaper after a nap, she screams bloody murder til you clean her up. It's been like that for a month.

But, she has one pee accident a day. It involves falling down in her ginormous pile of pee and hurting herself. If she has no pants/panties/shorts on, she won't have an accident. But this girl LOVES clothes and insists on being dressed head-to-toe at all times. Hence the pee spill and crash. So we've hung it up for a few months.

So now Lucy tells us when she has to pee and uses all her strength to take off her shorts and diaper to get to the potty. If you tell her to no potty, she goes bezerk. I guess we'll try pull ups. Let's hope that will give us some reprieve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jackie's advice to squeeze the little finger must be working! Hilarious.

Julie Parker, Granbury