Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I had intended to post this yesterday, but then CamO crashed on the bmx track and I had more important things to do. He’s fine now. He’s got a large hematoma on his elbow, but it’s not broken. Thankfully. And we are sooooo blessed to live amongst many doctors. (Peggy, you rock!)

So they grow the bugs really big here in North Cackalacky. Now that it’s practically summer and we’ve had lots of rain, the bugs are out. Cameron found a few ‘little’ friends yesterday. He wanted to name them. Since they were dead and looked like giant cockroaches (as my dad pointed out), I wasn’t so keen on naming them.

I think they are cicadas, but what do I know? I’m from the North where it’s too cold to grow anything sizable.

BTW, it’s also snake season. Come visit!

1 comment:

superdavepaul said...

My wife the entomologist.