Monday, May 23, 2011

Mother Earth's Bounty

We've been busy outdoors planting, replanting and some relocating.
 We had to replace a few plants that died or got eaten by the deer. The weeping cherry has done exceptionally well.
 Only the holly here remained from last year (and the trees, of course.)
 We planted vinca minor here and the cicadas have made this area their home. Did you know cicadas shed their skin? There are literally thousands of cicada shells here. Cameron has taken to collecting them. And separating them by bodies, wings and shells. Lovely.
 So the garden has done really well! The beans and peas are in the trellis' and the herbs are up front. The cucumber and canteloupe plants are taking over.
 Tamatoes galore! And check out the baby watermelon.
Can't wait for harvest time!

1 comment:

Anne Benson said...

Thanks for sharing your basil with us! Yum-o!