Saturday, June 25, 2011

All About Annie

This last week has been all about Annie. Literally, 9a-5p Annie Camp. There were 60 girls in the local production and 3 shows. Jackie has been singing Annie from the time she gets up to the time she goes to bed. And Cameron was singing “Maybe” when he was jumping on the trampoline today. It's Annie Fever around here. Lu's singing something, but I can't quite translate. 
 Jackie practically sleeps with her libretto book.
 And proudly shows her name on the Annie Jr. shirt.
 Orphans Violet and Shirley, aka Nina and Birdie. Nina's mom was the production manager. And our good friend from Duke School many moons ago!
 Time to put on actual make-up. This might have been JBird's highlight of the day. She said the instructors told the girls to wear that thing that makes you not stink. I can only assume she means deodorant. But she's not wearing any.
 Since flash photography was not permitted during the performance due to potential dangers to the performers, I took pictures of warm up.
And JBird in full make-up. I'll write more another day, but this mama is tired! And Shirley is sleeping like an orphan! One more show to go!

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