Thursday, June 9, 2011

Simply Amazing

For the first time in recorded history, Cameron ate a whole slice of carrot in its natural state. And he did it without prodding. I was certain we would send him to high school with ‘orange applesauce’, which is baby food veggies mixed in with applesauce. Because, to date, that is the ONLY way I get vegetables in him.

Jackie got the Classroom Hero award today. It’s in honor of her overall academic achievement, role model behavior, service to her fellow students...basically, a great kid! With this award comes a free month of Taekwondo classes in Chapel Hill. We’re so proud of our Birdie.

Due to a slight misunderstanding with my hair color person, I now have black eyebrows and henceforth, shall be referred to as Ms. Groucho. I walked in the door and Jackie busted a gut laughing! “What happened to your eyebrows, Mom?!”

The dogs trapped a slithery friend in our garden. I pulled the dogs back by their tails and the water snake proceeded to eat a cornered frog right in front of the kids. So gross. We need the frogs to keep out the bugs! Clearly, I did not kill the snake, but rather took a picture of it.

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