When we FINALLY arrived, the girls were ready to spend their birthday money!
Leigh couldn't pass up the American Girl Doll, Julie, the circa 1974 hippie who loved Brady Bunch. Where can we get a pint-sized Brady Bunch poster? It's so groovy.
Jackie headed straight for the Kanani display, pronounced Ka-NAN-eee.
Clearly, every doll needs their very own pet to care for.
Jackie used her hard-earned allowance and birthday money towards her Kanani loot. The cashier was impressed with the amount of $1 bills collected. She also paid in coins.
Here, the girls are getting a tutorial on how to care for their doll's hair. Julie and I placed bets on how quickly the dolls would be lost on the floor of my car with discarded gum in their hair.
Their new baby dolls and accessories!

My favorite part was Leigh playing her doll's violin. It even came with a music stand and music.
Jackie had both dolls' hair braided before bedtime in their matching outfits.
What a night! Happy birthday, Jackie and Leigh! We hope you'll remember this trip as fondly as we will!

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