Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jacqueline!

It has really been EIGHT years with The Bird. She was clearly thrilled by this, and the excitment made even more fanatical by the steroids. Dave and I were dumbfounded- both by the fact that eight years has flown by so quickly and Jackie's zealous mania with which she greeted the Oh-So-Special Day. WOWZAS!

 Jackie was delighted to open a tiny nightgown for her baby doll and matching jammies for her. Ohh Emm GEE!!! Lucy was convinced the little one was for her and it took some effort to get little determined fingers off the little nightgown.
 The afternoon was made particularly special b/c the kids enjoyed rollerblading around the circle together. Since the weather has been crappy lately, it was nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
 Grandma Dee fixed up her old dress-up table that was a present to her from her grandfather and gave it to Jackie. She was dumbfounded.
 And how many asthmatics does it take to blow out candles on the gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, taste-free cupcakes? All of them and their ample-lunged siblings too.
 The trick of 'smell the cupcake' still baffles the kids.
 The Littles fell victim to the trick yet again! Bugger!
It was a wonderful birthday party with our best buds and Grandma Dee! XOXO

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