Friday, August 14, 2009

High School Musical is in the house!

The HSM recital is FINALLY here! All week long Jackie and Ellie learned and practiced the songs and dances to HSM. The girls were inseparable all week and TOTALLY loved the camp.

Let me remind you how I take pictures: With either 1 or 2 other children in my lap grabbing at the camera strap because "COOL! This strap is NEAT! It makes Mommy BARK when I yank on it! I wonder what will happen when I put my leg through it!?" So, forgive the quality of the photos b/c I have THREE CHILDREN NOW! (Yes, I'm still getting used to that.) Video to follow at a much, much later date, if ever.

Hey! Let's wear red. Like TOTALLY, girls! This is the best dance party EVA! Call me!

Not to be overly ambious, Dave and I decided it would be a super plan to leave for MD and PA right after the recital. That meant that after the barfing night, surprise pediatrician visit this AM and yet another round of antibiotics for Cameron, we had to pack the kids allergy-free life AND get sales reports done AND make brownies and cookies for the family reunion. After 5 hrs of non-stop travel and intermittent screaming by Lucifer, we made it. And we are drinking. Shocking, I know.

p.s. Happy b-day Mr. Chad and your 5mm kidney stone! Yeowza!

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