Friday, April 23, 2010

What a week

CamO said Tues nite at 11:45p as we were getting home from the ER, "I'm having a bad day today." Yes, my baby did have a bad day. He slipped in the bathtub and sliced open his eyebrow. 4 hrs and 4 stitches later, he's be-bopping around like new. And today, he pulled 3 of them out. :)

Lucy and Jackie have barfed intermittently all day. (As did CamO last Sun and Hunter earlier this week.)

I'm on antibiotics for strep throat. Hunter is also on antibiotics for strep throat. Julie had the barfs.

Deane is (supposedly) taking Cameron and Jackie to the beach tomorrow.

If only we could get a superhuman immune power to pass around that would be sweet.


Jackie said...

Hang in there honey!

Unknown said...

Oh no! You poor thing. Hope everyine is feeling better now. We miss you xoxox