Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Before and After

My sister's alternate career would be photography. While she was here, I asked her to take photos of my kiddos before Jackie lost her first tooth. She seriously still has ALL her baby teeth, albeit some wiggly ones. And some VERY wiggly teeth.

One by one, Steph's boys awoke from their naps and performed as court jesters. Most of them were not dressed, which made for some good smiles!

So this was BEFORE Deane truly taught me how to nit pick my children. Seriously, there was lice. On my children. And possibly me. Lice. Soooooo 8 hrs of laundry, Nix shampoos and de-lousing, Deane rid our house of the little tiny creepy crawly bugs IN OUR HAIR! And possibly in the beds, car, sofa... So that was our last day of summer vacation. Steph and her boys always pick up some new tricks from our clan. This time, they got more!

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