Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Our baby is TWO!

She asked for an Elmo cake, and she got one! We went to 2 Harris Teeter's before we learned that they no longer make Sesame Street cakes. So I made this one, with a little help from the kids.

And, of course, it was a pool party. 

Lucy wasn't sure what her birthday meant but she totally understood the extra attention.

The birthday girl discovered her b-day gift from the Messicks right away. And wasted no time getting down to business trying all her shoes on.

Since there were so many shoes, she enlisted the help of willing runway models. 

At last it was gift opening time and Lucy was in heaven! This shoe connoisseur wouldn't take off her new outfit for bed last night, so she happily slept in her new shoes and dress.

The best part about her birthday was that all the kids enjoyed her new toys. Who would have thought that the 4-year-olds would spend the evening playing with Webbles?

Hunter loved the life-size teddy bear from Robert and Ioana.

One of Lucy's favorites was a piggie flashlight. She knew exactly how to use it!

Jackie was thrilled to be the supervisor, dole out presents and assist in opening them. As you can plainly see, Lucy was all over that flashlight.

It was a wonderful birthday and a rocking good time!

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