Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who knew?

Jackie has been so helpful lately. She gets Lucy out of bed in the mornings, changes her diaper and puts her in the high chair so she can fix Lu's milk. Jackie's been clearing the table voluntarily and acting like a BIG sister. So we decided to reward her for her helpfulness. Dave got Jackie a giant York peppermint patty, which she devoured instantly. Then she wrote this sweet letter to DaddyO.

Yeah, so 30 minutes later, she barfed her guts out. Then I read the label for the peppermint patty and it has egg whites in it! Who knew? We let our guard down. We assumed it was safe, since JBird's had both chocolate and mint before. We felt bad enough as it was, but this letter didn't help matters any.

So Oscar Meyer changed the formulation for CamO's natural hot dogs. It now has sulfites in it. Repeat above scenario today. We ROCK at this parenting thing! Give us our Parents of the Year award already!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Well, Congratulations! You have been awarded Parents of the Year! That's really exciting! I love you! -Rach