Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goosey Goosey

Since I last blogged, Lucy Lu has made some serious changes. At the New Year, she decided she was done with diapers. And that was it. She’s been out of diapers ever since. (She wears them at night, obviously).

Lucy calls herself Goosey Goosey. Her favorite characters are Pinkalicious & Sponge Pants, aka SpongeBob SquarePants. When I scold her for hitting (which is a favorite activity these days) she cries for Jackie Mommy. Every day, Lucy wears a ballet skirt -- in lieu of jammies at night, over regular clothes during the day, to the playground. Everywhere. And, like her big sister, she changes outfits at least 4 times a day. Her next skill will be laundry sorting and folding.

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