Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The End of Hibernation

As spring approaches, it’s time to awake from my online hibernation. What better thing to blog about than Jackie’s recent surgery? Hopefully this is the beginning of healthier seasons to come!

Jackie’s surgeon was the same one who put tubes in CamO’s ears 3 yrs prior, so we knew we were in good hands. He took out Jackie’s tonsils, adenoids and her wiggly tooth up front. She was a trooper & had no reactions to medications, thank God! She was eager to get to her hospital ‘hotel room’ for a good night sleep, which is ironic b/c she hadn’t slept well a few nights back.

Two nights ago, I was OOT for business and Dave was On Duty. He said Jackie helped put Lucy to bed in the pack-n-play (rather than the crib b/c Grandad and Grandma Holly were staying in L’s room for a weekend visit). True to form, Jackie climbed in the pack-n-play with Lucy and slept there all night. Together. In a tiny pack-n-play. Dave tried to extract her, but she wouldn’t have it. She woke up the next morning and announced “I had a really rough night!” When she got home from school, she told Dave that she was tired all day b/c she slept so terribly and had such a rough night. Right now, J is snoring the night away.

(J wouldn't let us photograph her pre-op, so Alice was happy to oblige. Alice is in her hospital gown, courtesy of the Ferguson's.)

Cameron & Lucy came to visit J in the hospital this evening. CamO was so taken aback he didn’t want to sit on or near the bed and only blew kisses to Jackie. Lucy made herself at home next to Jbird and ate all of her leftover dinner.
 BFF’s Hunter and Leigh made presents and pictures for Jackie. Hunter wasn’t convinced we would stay with Jackie all night long, so he called his BFF just to make sure she was okay. The picture is of Jackie on the phone w/ Hunter. Jackie's drink of choice was root beer, or as Cameron calls it, fruit beer.

Since we were all comfortable in the “hospital hotel” Cameron and Lucy took a quick shower in the handicap-accessible bathroom in Jackie’s room. The nurses were a bit surprised to see so many naked babies running around a hospital room. I’m sure they’ve seen crazier stuff. One can hope.

The most notable part of the day was when Jackie asked her surgeon if he could put her tonsils in a glass jar for her to keep. After fighting back a laugh, he promised he would keep her tooth in a jar and give that to her. So the toothfairy will visit us in the hospital tonight!

I’m looking fwd to a night with just my Birdie under the watchful eye of nurses and the hospitalist. Wish us a peaceful night!


Anonymous said...

I missed keeping up with your family the past couple of months. Welcome back! Glad Jackie is on the mend. Julie Parker - Granbury TX

Jackie said...

HI ALLISON! So nice to see your posts again. I'm glad J had a successful surgery too...i know how scary it is to hand your kids over. Everyone looks like they are doing well and I hope you had a good, restful hiatus.