Monday, March 21, 2011

Proud Moments in Child Rearing

As a parent, there are really wonderful moments watching your child make the right decision or use their best manners. The rest of the time, we hope no one is watching. At least, no one that doesn't have kids.

The other day, I dropped of CamO at school without his busom buddy, Leigh. I should have known flying solo was a recipe for disaster for Cameron. But I reasoned that having Lucy with us would be a great distraction. So we got into class and all the teachers welcomed CamO with huge hello's and great big hugs. He fell to pieces. He grabbed my legs and sobbed. And Lucy called him a crybaby. "Crybaby Cameron" she repeated like 6 times. Just to make sure he heard. Oh he heard, alright! And so did the teachers and rest of the parents dropping off their kid. Lucy and I left the crybaby and ran out the door as fast as we could.

Just like most seven-yr-olds, Jackie has the ability to use the phrase "damn it!" appropriately in context. For example, she was doing her homework and she kept mis-spelling a spelling word. She said "Damn it! I can never remember how to spell people!" Then she slammed down the pencil. So proud of my Jackie Mommy.

This afternoon, Cameron and Leigh were running around the yard belting out "Beverly Hills! Beverly Hills! CHIHUAHUA!!!" They were screaming it over and over at the top of their lungs. I said "What are you yelling for?!" CamO said "We're singing to God!"

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