The Colvard Kids! (All but 2 live on our street).

Miss Karen and Anna Kate were on the prowl for clothed victims.

Elise is THE coolest 12 year old EVER! She did double duty.

Daddy Boot Camp apparently paid off.

Lucille and Dee taking a break from the water.

THE Grand Fireworks. When you are 2 and 5, this is THE best fireworks ever. Little Lucy got to sleep through it, lest we terrorize her unnecessarily.

Grandad and Grandma Holly enjoying the front row view of the spectacular event.

The gang grew considerably this year.

CMan is a pyro, just like his daddy.

Leo actually managed to fall asleep during the fireworks.

Zen Anna Kate.

Bird was a bit more skeptical of the sparklers, but insisted in partaking.

Dan, the Man and Chris, the Golfing Whiz.

Molly guarding the fireworks from The Littles.
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