Friday, July 24, 2009


AS IF we could produce a non-competitive child. No matter how much I try to pretend everything is not a race, it comes naturally to Jackie. And Dave totally fosters it. At least he lets her win. (For the record, my sister and parents NEVER let me win at races, Candyland, cards...the list goes on.)

Thankfully, Cameron is much less of an adrenaline junkie. He prefers to race his bike by walking/running along side of it.
Me: "Cam-O, why are you not riding your bike?"
Cameron: "Because I'm not riding it."
That explains a lot.

This is a learned 'camera ready smile'. I practiced this smile since I was 4, so I know Lucy learned that from me. Very proud. Be prepared to see a gazillion more smiles like this throughout the years, probably with a full set of teeth, rather than the NINE she has now.

Jackie practicing her 'camera-ready smile'. She's got a lot to learn from Lucy. Not to worry, she has years to perfect it.

In case we forget who is stationed in the police car, Jackie helped us remember.

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