When you are 10 months, 2 yrs & 5 yrs, you can only see 1 continent in a day. Really, I can only push and/or carry 3 kids to 1 continent in a day. So Monday, we went to Africa. According to Cameron, "It was awesome." Jackie spent much of the time loving on Lucy or carrying her around. Then J rode in the stroller the remainder of Africa b/c her legs were sore from all the carrying. Oh, cry me a river, sister!

My baby boy is still 2 (for another week).

This is when I discovered Jackie had no underpants on with her skirt. So proud!

In case you're wondering, CMan DID have underpants on.
Fantastic picture with my babies. This was the best of 6 shots.
When we got back from Africa, we told Hunter all about it. He responded with "Would you stop going to the zoo without me!?" So Tuesday, I swapped Cameron for Hunter and we went to North America. The kids got to pick which continent to go see. Did they want to see Elephants or the Polar Bear... They finally decided on North America, b/c North American cotton candy tasted better, as you can see from the picture below.

It's a different pace with Hunter and w/o Cameron. We spent a lot of time trying to catch tadpoles and listened to the ENTIRE presentation about alligator skulls, snake skins and turtle shells.

And, despite the incessant fighting and diarrhea jokes, these 2 are still BFF!
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