Sunday, March 1, 2009

Field Trip

On Thursday, Jackie’s class went to the NC Museum of Life & Sciences. (This is the field trip I had been planning since early January.) They had a bird program with a red tailed hawk and a silky chicken. And the kids disected an owl pellet- which is a turd of regurgitated food that has been steralized. The kids open it up to reveal a skeleton & hair of some sort that they try to identify. They also had an observation journal, which was basically a treasure hunt. The kids had a great time, no one was injured and we didn't lose anyone. Good times. This is Kate, one of Jackie's teachers. She is the BOMB!
JBird disecting an owl pellet. Hers included a mouse skeleton. Just what we need, more mice!
Chicken Little was trained to stay on newspaper.

Misha, the red tailed hawk, was the class favorite.

Watching the birds. L-r is Tucker, Lana, Jade, Liam. Leslie, the one in the striped shirt, is JBird's other teacher. She also rocks.

1 comment:

Katy Gilliam said...

Aww, that is Kate of my friends from church. She is WONDERFUL! It looks like you all had a great field trip! Jackie is growing up so fast! What happened to our little blondies???