Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Korea photos: Flights home

I had great intentions of uploading the final Korea photos last week. However, I now have 3 kids, and my time frames have totally changed. I know it’s an adjustment time for us all, but my house looks like a tornado has hit 3 times over, and guests just keep coming. I’ve stopped apologizing for the disaster b/c, well, I have 3 kids. I’d much rather have visitors & food than a clean house.

So here’s the pictures from Lucy’s first bath, given by Mom. This was the night before we flew home.
Three generations! On the first flight from Korea to Japan we were not seated together. But Mom still managed to help out from behind.
We had lots of help entertaining Lucy on the long flights. Here’s the older Korean gentleman who Lucy adored. And he certainly enjoyed her company as well.

I've learned over the years that if people offer to help, I will gladly accept. This flight attendant from JPN to ORD was awesome! She was born in NJ, but moved back to JPN and plans to stay there forever. Check out the Japanese newspaper below.

Lucy's bassinet was used mostly for storage, but ONCE she slept in it.

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